Book Name: Linux all in one
Author Name: Emmett DulaneyEdition: Fourth Edition
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Pages: 652 pages
Size: 12.7 MB
Type: Text Book
A complete guide and reference to five major Linux distributions
Linux continues to grow in popularity worldwide as a low-cost, reliable operating system for enterprise use. Nine minibooks in this guide cover everything administrators need to know about the five leading versions: Ubuntu, Fedora Core, OpenSUSE, Mint, and Mandriva. The companion DVD includes full Ubuntu installations and ISO images for the other four, saving hours of downloading time.
- The open source Linux operating system is gaining market share around the world for both desktop and server use; this soup-to-nuts guide covers installation and everything else administrators need to know about Ubuntu, Fedora Core, OpenSUSE, Mint, and Mandriva
- Nine self-contained minibooks cover Linux basics, desktops, networking, Internet, administration, security, Linux servers, programming, and scripting
- Updated to cover the newest versions of the five top distributions, with complete installation instructions and a DVD including the full Ubuntu installations and ISO images for the others
Linux users and administrators will be able to install and sample five popular Linux flavors with the information in Linux All-in-One For Dummies.
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